Mr. Garvey is a Senior Toxicologist with more than 20 years of experience as an environmental consultant. He has extensive experience evaluating chemical exposures and effects in human and ecological receptors and has provided this expertise for a variety of private sector clients. His project experience includes human and ecological risk assessment, toxicology, vapor intrusion, background evaluations, environmental site assessment, and field studies. He has conducted screening level and baseline risk assessments in support of remedial investigations and feasibility studies at a wide range of sites (e.g., CERCLA, RCRA, state programs) throughout the United States. He also advises clients on regulatory developments associated with standard and emerging contaminants, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and 1,4-dioxane. He has managed site investigations and routinely provides risk assessment expertise for vapor intrusion projects and is experienced with computational tools and models used in risk assessment (e.g., USEPA’s ProUCL, BMDS, and IEUBK models; Johnson and Ettinger model; RISC), and communicating findings to clients, regulators, and other stakeholders.