Dr. Graham Ansell is an organic and medicinal chemist with more than 20 years of combined experience as a pharmaceutical research chemist, environmental and patent consulting expert and in litigation support. He has provided chemical and technical consulting on a wide range of environmental contaminants covering a host of environmental issues, including: chemical manufacturing (both historical and current), chemical fate and transport, environmental forensics and degradation pathways, historical chemical waste disposal practices and exposure pathways. In addition to technical consulting, Dr. Ansell provides litigation support for multiple CERCLA environmental cases involving lead, uranium, PCBs, PAHs, pesticides, PFAS, emerging contaminants, and dioxin/furans.
Dr. Ansell’s experience in CERCLA cases includes expert report and rebuttal report analysis, both for client experts and opposing counsel’s experts. Dr. Ansell has organized, reviewed, amended, and expanded the scope of expert reports; prepared demonstratives for experts at trial; provided oversight for more than 300 expert depositions; and helped prepare more than 100 expert reports.
Dr. Ansell currently tracks the status of claims on multiple contaminants of specific relevance to clients, including legacy and emerging contaminants. He serves as a technical and strategic advisor, prepares attorneys who are taking technical deposition of opposing counsel’s experts, and prepares both attorneys and technical experts for trial directs and crosses.