Dr. Goodrum is a Principal Toxicologist with approximately 30 years of experience in quantitative risk assessment and environmental modeling, specializing in applications to human health and ecological risk assessment, sediment remediation, groundwater compliance monitoring, and natural resource damage assessment. He is a recognized national leader and trusted advisor to government and private sector clients on statistical sampling methods, probabilistic risk assessment, and lead exposure modeling, having published and peer reviewed papers on these topics, served on national advisory committees, and served as an expert witness in litigation on these matters. Dr. Goodrum provides a wide range of clients with strategies to characterize, communicate, and manage risks associated with emerging contaminants including perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and 1,4 dioxane in drinking water.
He also has extensive experience characterizing sites with pesticides, metals, methyl mercury, dioxin, PCBs, and petroleum hydrocarbons. He has developed quantitative solutions for numerous complex, high-profile contaminated sediment and floodplain sites, established corporate best practices in quantitative methods (e.g., exploratory data analysis, statistics, visualization of data), and mentored and trained staff in these areas. Dr. Goodrum currently holds national certifications in toxicology and ecology. He has taught more than two dozen short courses to federal, state, and provincial governmental agencies in the U.S. and Canada on risk assessment, environmental statistics, spatial statistics, and environmental forensics. He is currently a visiting Adjunct Professor at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry where he teaches a course in Environmental Risk Assessment.