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GSI designed and oversaw construction for a storm water capture and treatment system to comply with water quality requirements of the Industrial General Permit at a Paint Manufacturing Facility. The scope of work included developing a sampling and analysis plan to identify potential pollutant sources and bench-scale testing to evaluate and design treatment components. Hydrologic calculations and modeling were performed to design the storm water drainage modifications and size capture and treatment flow rates to satisfy the design storm standards. The treatment system includes a biopolymer injection system, settling tank, mechanical filtration, and advanced media filtration to remove dissolved metals including zinc.
Increasingly stringent water quality requirements coupled with high demand on groundwater supply are motivating industrial facilities to consider infiltration using recharge basins, subsurface infiltration galleries and drywells. We performed in-situ percolation testing and vadose-zone modeling to design a subsurface rock-filled infiltration gallery to infiltrate treated storm water and eliminate offsite runoff. The scope of work included evaluating potential for natural and anthropogenic pollutants in underlying soils and mitigating risks to adversely impact soil and groundwater. Nested lysimeters were installed adjacent to the infiltration system to monitor pore water within the vadose zone.
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