Stormwater Engineering and Bmp Design

TRRP Training: 2022 Program

presented by: GSI Environmetal Inc.

Texas Risk Reduction Program regulations (TRRP; 30 TAC 350) establish consistent risk-based protocols for assessment and response to soil, groundwater, or surface water impacts associated with environmental releases of regulated wastes or substances.

Presented by GSI Environmental Inc., this popular and informative training series is a must for professionals who need a working understanding of TRRP and those needing to stay up-to-date with the latest TCEQ TRRP guidance and policies.

TRRP Training Course (2 Days): Provides an overview of the TRRP framework and step-by-step training on property assessment and response action procedures established under the TRRP rule

Attendees will become acquainted with rules, key guidance and policies covering affected property assessments, protective concentration levels, and response actions. The course material presents strategies for efficient project management in compliance with TRRP and explains the various report forms adopted by TCEQ.

TAEP image

Sponsored by:
Texas Association of Environmental Professionals (TAEP) TAEP is the premier organization for environmental professionals in the State of Texas. The goals of TAEP include the advancement of the environmental profession and the establishment of a forum to discuss important environmental issues. TAEP members receive a 10% discount. Please call 713.522.6300 for the code.

Dates and Location


June 14th and 15th, 2022


Crowne Plaza River Oaks 2712 SW Freeway Houston, Texas 77098 713.523.8448

Price and Registration

Early-Bird Price

(Paid by May 1, 2022)

Standard Price

(Paid after May 1, 2022)

TAEP Membership Price


Government Price

Lodging and meals are not
included in course cost


Our team of civil and environmental engineers have the technical expertise to provide turnkey solutions from the initial evaluation and feasibility analysis to bench-scale testing, engineering design, and implementation.

We have applied a wide range of best management practices (BMPs) and technologies to improve water quality and have designed both passive and active storm water treatment systems to satisfy client needs and regulatory requirements. We have a high-level understanding of the compliance challenges dischargers face, and we assess when active treatment controls are warranted or if other more passive compliance approaches are suitable to meet stringent discharge standards.
We perform hydrologic calculations, analyses, and site-specific modeling to design storm water capture and conveyance systems for both large-scale watersheds and local drainage systems.
We also have designed storm water infiltration systems such as shallow infiltration galleries and deep infiltration drywells. In addition to performing in-situ infiltration testing, we specialize in evaluating site-specific soil and groundwater conditions to assess facilities for infiltration suitability. We also design appropriate pretreatment facilities based on potential pollutant sources and prepare monitoring programs to minimize the risks associated with infiltrating storm water.


Storm Water Treatment System Design for The Sherwin-Williams Company

San Diego, California

GSI designed and oversaw construction for a storm water capture and treatment system to comply with water quality requirements of the Industrial General Permit at a Paint Manufacturing Facility. The scope of work included developing a sampling and analysis plan to identify potential pollutant sources and bench-scale testing to evaluate and design treatment components. Hydrologic calculations and modeling were performed to design the storm water drainage modifications and size capture and treatment flow rates to satisfy the design storm standards. The treatment system includes a biopolymer injection system, settling tank, mechanical filtration, and advanced media filtration to remove dissolved metals including zinc.

Resort Construction

Northern, California

Increasingly stringent water quality requirements coupled with high demand on groundwater supply are motivating industrial facilities to consider infiltration using recharge basins, subsurface infiltration galleries and drywells. We performed in-situ percolation testing and vadose-zone modeling to design a subsurface rock-filled infiltration gallery to infiltrate treated storm water and eliminate offsite runoff. The scope of work included evaluating potential for natural and anthropogenic pollutants in underlying soils and mitigating risks to adversely impact soil and groundwater. Nested lysimeters were installed adjacent to the infiltration system to monitor pore water within the vadose zone.

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