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We have prepared storm water pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs), designed and evaluated erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs), assisted with post-construction runoff requirements, conducted hydrologic calculations, responded to regulatory enforcement, and assisted with reporting obligations. GSI provides storm water monitoring program implementation support with field staff trained in the collection of storm water samples and site inspections required for compliance with construction storm water permits.
Our staff have provided construction storm water support to various construction sites including resort construction, contaminated site remediation and redevelopment, highway bridge construction, linear infrastructure projects along highways and at military bases, and mountain-top communications towers. Often, construction projects are conducted in sensitive habitat areas, construction storm water runoff discharges to sensitive receiving waters, or construction activity exposes contaminated soil and GSI staff help to navigate additional compliance responsibilities for these high-risk sites.
GSI staff prepared a construction storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and provide Qualified SWPPP Developer and Qualified SWPPP Practitioner support for the closure of a landfill on the central coast of California. GSI’s duties also include calculating the Risk Level, conducting a post-construction water balance, and conducting BMP inspections, and implementing the monitoring program in accordance with the Construction Storm Water General Permit.
To provide additional construction oversight as part of the Construction Storm Water General Permit and other regulatory compliance requirements, GSI staff performed weekly BMP inspections and recommended corrective actions at a resort construction site in Northern California. GSI also provided support for receiving water monitoring and reporting in accordance with Basin Plan requirements.
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