Industrial Stormwater Support

TRRP Training: 2022 Program

presented by: GSI Environmetal Inc.

Texas Risk Reduction Program regulations (TRRP; 30 TAC 350) establish consistent risk-based protocols for assessment and response to soil, groundwater, or surface water impacts associated with environmental releases of regulated wastes or substances.

Presented by GSI Environmental Inc., this popular and informative training series is a must for professionals who need a working understanding of TRRP and those needing to stay up-to-date with the latest TCEQ TRRP guidance and policies.

TRRP Training Course (2 Days): Provides an overview of the TRRP framework and step-by-step training on property assessment and response action procedures established under the TRRP rule

Attendees will become acquainted with rules, key guidance and policies covering affected property assessments, protective concentration levels, and response actions. The course material presents strategies for efficient project management in compliance with TRRP and explains the various report forms adopted by TCEQ.

TAEP image

Sponsored by:
Texas Association of Environmental Professionals (TAEP) TAEP is the premier organization for environmental professionals in the State of Texas. The goals of TAEP include the advancement of the environmental profession and the establishment of a forum to discuss important environmental issues. TAEP members receive a 10% discount. Please call 713.522.6300 for the code.

Dates and Location


June 14th and 15th, 2022


Crowne Plaza River Oaks 2712 SW Freeway Houston, Texas 77098 713.523.8448

Price and Registration

Early-Bird Price

(Paid by May 1, 2022)

Standard Price

(Paid after May 1, 2022)

TAEP Membership Price


Government Price

Lodging and meals are not
included in course cost


Helping our industrial clients navigate the evolving regulatory and litigation-driven world of NPDES Permit compliance.

Our work with our industrial clients over 20 years has given us tremendous insight in developing compliance strategies for facilities covered under general storm eater NPDES Permits and individual NPDES Permits. Most of our clients are required to meet stringent discharge standards including benchmarks, numeric action levels (NALs), or water quality-based effluent limits. GSI have prepared exceedance response action (ERA) reports and action plans and developed and implemented advanced best management practices (BMPs) including storm water treatment controls, detention and containment systems, infiltration systems, and diversion to sanitary sewer systems.
We support all aspects of storm water NPDES permit compliance, including preparation of storm water pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) and monitoring programs, sample collection, BMP evaluation and optimization, NONA No Discharge Technical Reports, New Discharger Evaluations, WQBCAs, data analysis, hydrologic calculations and modeling, response to regulatory enforcement, and reporting obligations. In addition to the requirements of their industrial NPDES permits, we have also supported compliance obligations of Consent Decrees and Settlement Agreements with third-party environmental groups.
Our staff consists of experienced storm water practitioners with requisite certifications including Professional Civil and Geotechnical Engineers, Professional Geologists, QISPs, QISP Trainers of Record (ToRs), QSP/QSD, CPSWQs, and CPESCs to support our client’s specific compliance needs.
Specifically in California, In addition to providing compliance solutions for over hundreds of dischargers, our team was actively engaged in the development of the most recent version of California’s Industrial General Permit (IGP), leading an industry group commenting on the various draft versions of the permit, meeting with SWRCB staff, and testifying on behalf of industry at SWRCB hearings. Our engineers were also instrumental in developing the design standards for the On-Site Compliance Option in Attachment I of the recently amended IGP.

Related practice areas include:


IGP Compliance Groups


GSI’s team of Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP) Trainers of Record (ToR) are the designated Compliance Group Leaders for several Compliance Groups for the Industrial Storm Water General Permit (IGP) representing over 90 permittees from metal recyclers to wineries. We provide a wide range of storm water program support services to Compliance Group Participants including SWPPP review and updates, annual training, sampling coordination and data evaluation, SMARTS reporting support, annual site visits to evaluate site-specific conditions BMPs, general consultation support to answer question regarding permit compliance, and exceedance response action (ERA) reporting. GSI also provides regulatory interaction and advocacy for the Compliance Groups.

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